
Dangerous Lesbians At Marian High School

Lesbians at MY ALMA MATER! Who would have guessed?

photo by Dick Hunt/Daily Tribune
J. Charlene Genther of Royal Oak was fired from Marian High School after she began publicizing her autobiography in which she reveals she is a lesbian.

This hot dyke was a formother in the seventies and wrote a book about it titled Badge 3483 A True Story :
"By the time I was 16, I had formulated four goals for myself. Those goals were: to become a police officer, to have a baby by natural childbirth like my Cherokee ancestors, to kiss a woman and to sky dive. Accomplishing three out of four isn't too bad."

She did a lot of dangerous, frightening things, especially while a Detroit City Police Officer. Probably none was as awful as associating with Marian High School. Y ought to know, and Y do. Maybe she could have at least had some fun while there, as Y did, by replacing

this insignia on her uniform

with this one:

We had no security guard, though.

If you want to look at the site where Y actually was bored to tears, (except for dear Sister Pat's art room) for 3 1/2 long long long years, you can check it out. If you have time, you can read the rules which go on for almost a HUNDRED pages. Hope Y inspired at least a couple of them. Doesn't it seem strange that their god only needed 10 rules? Guess he wasn't obsessed with skirt length. Idle hands and short skirts are the Mother's workshop. Ha ha ha. Mmmmmm......

Thanks to Lesbian Connection for bringing this putrid episode of hipocracy to my attention.


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