
Face It

On the Diane Rehm Show today the topic was Muslims, the Veil, and the West. You can listen to it on your computer, Y think. The fact that some muslim men and women have talked about uncovered women in terms of unwrapped meat, candy, whatever and asked, "Would you eat it?" was brought up. What was not brought up was the fact that- in addition to muslims -christians and jews (as well as other patriarchal cultural organizations) also have/had bizarre ways of objectifying womyn through mandating the concealment of certain parts of our bodies. Let's look at the big picture, huh? A woman couldn't get a drivers' license because she didn't want to uncover her face for the photo. Y couldn't get a drivers' license if Y went in there with no clothes on. What is the difference? (Y mean besides Y would end up in jail again, and she didn't.) Clothing which is demanded by any society is being used to fetishize parts of the body, or to indicate social status.

Check this out: Leotards Will Get a Girl In Trouble at feministing. The problem is way deeper than it would seem by this discussion. What appears trivial...well, is it?

The true purpose of clothing is to protect the body. There is no other sensible reason to wear clothes. And if you want to decorate yourself, try berry juice or mud.


At 11/03/2006 11:54 AM, Blogger Burl Veneer said...

"And if you want to decorate yourself, try berry juice or mud."

Or neckties!


At 11/03/2006 1:19 PM, Blogger Lesbesquet said...

Y do, but only on Wynter Solstace, Spryng Equenox, Summer Solstace, and Autumn Equenox. Ha ha.

Burl, did you ever hear that the tie was invented long ago as a protection from witches? Don't know if this is true or not. But it is interesting. To me, anyway.

Everyone go look at Burl's ties! http://burlveneer.blogspot.com/

At 11/06/2006 7:11 AM, Blogger Burl Veneer said...

I had not heard that, very interesting! I've always found that the best protection against witches is to be friends with them.


At 11/07/2006 9:56 AM, Blogger Lesbesquet said...

Burl Veneer:Total Genius

:-) x=======>


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